Is Your Dumpster a Dive?
Taking out the trash and keeping the inside of your building looking great is a high priority for most businesses. But what if the trash is what’s causing a problem?
Many times the garbage disposal area becomes problematic given the very nature of its purpose. Not only do the dumpsters become contaminated and coated with the refuse, but they attract all types of insects and rodents. You may even experience dumping issues from individuals outside your organization.
We have a few suggestions to help you save your garbage disposal area from disaster.
Wet waste can create a sloppy mess. Think about the oil, grease, soda cans and rotting food that make their way into the dumpster. Without proper precautions and regular maintenance, you may have a dire situation on your hands.
Quality bags tied properly will help to reduce leaks. These best in class bags use multi-layer technology, making them incredibly strong, lightweight and resistant to punctures and tears.
Using a non-toxic granule, like Vision Oasis will help absorb and deodorize liquid substances. These granules make fluids easier to clean up and help with the noxious odours.
These spills and odours can attract all sorts of undesirable pests. Unfortunately, dumpsters often provide food, drink and shelter. These critters can cause health problems and often can be the cause of municipal violations and citations. To discourage vermin from sticking around, we suggest the following:
- Ensure all waste is bagged, the bag is tied and inside the dumpster
- Cans & bottles should be rinsed
- Remove any tree branches or similar “ladders” that may assist in getting into trouble
- Keep the dumpster lid closed securely
- Lock the dumpster when not in use – this will prevent neighbours from dumping their trash
It might seem ironic, but garbage bins, dumpsters and loading dock areas need to be cleaned frequently and thoroughly. Our Dock and Dumpster treatment will save you valuable time and is easy to use. The dispenser simply attaches to your hose to create a foaming nozzle. The Biomor cleaner instantly releases microorganisms to attack and digest organic matter that builds up in dumpster areas. This eliminates unpleasant odours and the microbials provide residual cleaning up to 80 hours after application. You simply let the product dwell in the contaminated space to eliminate the problem. Scrubbing is optional for heavily soiled areas.
Biomor microbials process the waste and convert it into carbon dioxide and water. The digested organic matter can be sent into any water supply without any environmental concern.
These tips will help you maintain your garbage disposal area. Don’t let it become a dive. For these and any other cleaning solutions, contact Checkers. We are your clean resource.