The Ultimate Spring Cleaning Checklist
Spring is finally here (well, according to the calendar anyway) and to say we’re excited would be an understatement. We know winter can be rough on the appearance of your facility, and there’s no better time than now to shake off the winter blahs and start fresh. We’ve put together some tips to help spring clean your workplace to not only boost morale among your employees, but to make sure you’re leaving the best impression on customers and visitors too!
You might be thinking “why should I bother with spring cleaning?” but studies show that the overall image and impression of a company weighs heavily on how clean your space is. In a world where everyone has a cellphone, you don’t want to risk people taking photos of your poorly kept breakroom or washroom and posting it instantly to social media for everyone to see. A dirty washroom alone can lead to lost business.
To fight this, here are some easy tips to follow for a spring cleaning that would’ve gotten you an allowance raise when you were a kid.
Find out which places need the most attention by organizing a facility-wide walk through. Depending on the size of your workspace, a team of 1-3 employees should do the trick. Make a checklist of things to look out for before you embark on your journey—it’ll help you stay focused and also stay on track for time purposes. Pay extra attention to things that might need repair, such as dispensers, tiles, lightbulbs and fixtures.
Focus on Washrooms
Have you ever been in a washroom that made you wish you never entered said washroom in the first place? Did it drastically change your opinion of the business or facility? As a business, you do not want visitors or employees to be put off by the state of your washrooms. In fact, it has been proven that 4 in 5 people would avoid a business altogether if the washroom was dirty and unkept.
Don’t let your company fall into these statistics. As a form of indirect customer service, always be sure that your washroom is held to a high standard of cleanliness to make sure visitors and employees are having the best experience possible.
Putting Your Plan into Action
Now that you’ve identified problem areas, it’s time to put your plan into action. We suggest following a simple approach when cleaning all parts of the facility to make sure you’re getting the best clean possible.
- Start from the top. Dust corners, ceilings, vents, light fixtures and hard to reach ledges with a duster. We suggest this one. The dust will fall onto the floors and surfaces, but that’s okay because you’re going to take care of that later.
- Wipe all windows and glass surfaces with a strong wiper or microfiber cloth and a glass cleaner. We suggest Betco Deep Blue for the best results.
- Next, wipe all surfaces with an everyday cleaner. This includes desks, tables, keyboards, phones, chairs, and anything else with a horizontal surface. Don’t forget to sanitize door handles, and common touching points like printers, photocopiers, and the water cooler. One step disinfectant wipes will help you get the job done quick. You can also sanitize all of the garbage and recycling bins in your facility! You can let it sit with the cleaner and simply rinse afterwards.
- From here you can focus on the floors. Winter elements can be hard on floors, mats, and carpeting and we can all agree that crusty salt stains are not a good look. We highly recommend Counteract Carpet Salt Stain Remover for carpeting, and Betco pHerfect Floor Neutralizer for hard floors to get rid of those stubborn salt stains. From there, you can vacuum carpeting and mop the floors.
- The last step is freshening the air. We recommend spraying a neutral scent like Betco Best Scent Smoke and Odour Aerosol to eliminate unpleasant smells without leaving an overwhelming scent afterwards. Some air fresheners can irritate those with allergies, so steering towards a neutral scented freshener is always best for public spaces.
If you have further questions about the best way to clean a particular area of your facility, contact Checkers today. We’re Your Clean Resource!