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Safety Benefits of Using Dilution Control

safety benefits dilution control

When you’re thinking of switching over to a chemical dilution control system, safety benefits might not be the first thing that comes to mind. Aside from the cost savings and consistent cleaning results, dilution control is also really beneficial when it comes to protecting employees while they’re on the job. Cleaning chemicals are just that–chemicals. […]

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Benefits of Dilution Control for Dispensing Disinfectant


Dilution control can have many positive impacts on your cleaning routine and overall facility’s appearance. Most importantly, if you are looking to properly disinfect, these dispensers will make sure you are disinfecting correctly, all the time. It is extremely important to dilute disinfectant properly as per the label on the bottle. Disinfectant is a pesticide, […]

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Are Your Cleaners Quick on the Draw?

When it comes to properly equipping your cleaning staff, sometimes it’s hard to know what products to buy, tools they need or how the products should be used. Each organization will have their own challenges when it comes to properly maintaining and cleaning the facility. However, Betco has simplified the process for you with an […]

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