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Clean Earth

The year was 1970. People were driving muscle cars around without a thought about emissions. The word environment was not yet in the common vernacular. But, the times, they were a-changin’. After an oil spill in California, the idea was formed to harness the energy of the anti-war protests and activism of the day and […]

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Smells Like Trouble. Time to Clean!

Stepping into a smelly washroom is an immediate turn off. The assumption is that the facility is not clean – which is true. Smells come from bacteria that lurk in the far reaches of the bathroom. While scrubbing and mopping make it look clean, this typically spreads the germs around and makes it worse. Unfortunately, […]

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Three Ways to Fight the Flu

When the Christmas tree is down and decorations have been packed away, it’s time for another favourite season to arrive. No, not spring. FLU SEASON. Like it or not, this unwelcomed visitor likes to make an appearance between October through May. However, prime time for this culprit is in February. People tend to be indoors […]

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Safety Benefits of Using Dilution Control

When you’re thinking of switching over to a chemical dilution control system, safety benefits might not be the first thing that comes to mind. Aside from the cost savings and consistent cleaning results, dilution control is also really beneficial when it comes to protecting employees while they’re on the job. Cleaning chemicals are just that–chemicals. […]

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Benefits of Dilution Control for Dispensing Disinfectant

Dilution control can have many positive impacts on your cleaning routine and overall facility’s appearance. Most importantly, if you are looking to properly disinfect, these dispensers will make sure you are disinfecting correctly, all the time. It is extremely important to dilute disinfectant properly as per the label on the bottle. Disinfectant is a pesticide, […]

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